Tai Chi Koh Phangan


Tai Chi classes

Our teachingprogramm is based on the chinese Yang Cheng Fu style  long form 108, and on Cheng Man Ching s shorter form (37  form)

 We can offer you foolowing different opportunitys:

Course 1 : For beginner with little time,it  needs about 4 days and will introduce you to the basics,like meditation,Chi Kungs,Tai Chi walking,and the first  8 positures of Tai Chi Chuan (Yang style)
Course 2 :  If you can spend some more time ,this course  needs about 8 to 10 days,includes the same as course 1 ,but you learn and practice more Chi Kungs and  the first 18 positures of the long yang form of Tai Chi Chuan
If you have finished the first course and you are interestet to learn more there is no prpblem to went to course 2 and do just another 4 to 6 days more. 

Course 3 :  If you able to spend more time here,you need about 14 days,you could learn the 24 or Pekingform (based on Yang style)  Tai Chi Chuan   
This lessons are just availabel after your inquiry and an arrangement

If you like to come to visit us out of high season and you are able to spend one month ore more with us,ore if you have finished course number two and you would like to learn more about Tai Chi,we can offer you a lesson to learn the "37 positure form "created by Professor Cheng Man Ching based on the long form Yang style. (Professor Cheng created this form by cutting out some of the many replications in this long form)

The Tai Chi class will start at 07.30 in the morning with 30 min meditation followed by 30 min warm up exercises and Chi Kungs,right after the Chi Kung Lessons we start with Tai Chi and  finish about 09.30 and the eavening part will start about 16.00 and finish after the sunset about 18.00.

The price for all lessons is 1000.- Bat (about 25.-Euro) per day and includes acommodation in our bungalows 

Tai Chi class

Buddhist Meditation

At this time we do not give any retreats or lessons for meditation.we just can envite you to join our morningmeditation and of course we can give you some advices or instructions how to do meditation.
you also can ask for tips where you could find good places to do some retreats all over Thailand.